Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1991 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


„ x /Jcrmce Pau^

A Happy Collaboration Between ! Puhlie and Private I

Ever vvonder \vhy puhlie and private educational torces don t eomhine their collective skills for the betterment of our children? Well, for more than 20 years Ha\vaii's State Department ot Education and the Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate have enjoyed a close allianee dedicated to helping Hawaiis children. Bv combining facilities, staff, curriculum and other resources, Kamehameha Schools and the DOE reach out to more children more efficiently than either could on its own. Kamehameha combines its efforts with the DOE in five major areas: preschool education, elementary language arts, alternative education, reading tutorial and summer programs. Statewide, Kamehameha operates 14 preschools, six of those located in public schools. And KEEP, Kamehameha's Elementaryr Education Program, is a language arts program whieh is voluntarily used in eight DOE schools assisting nearly 2,800 students.

We co!laborate throughout the State on alternative learning programs for high risk youth at nine schools and a tutorial reading program at eleven intermediate schools. Our two organizations also work cooperatively in the diverse areas of Hawaiian studies, substance abuse prevention and adult education. And with the help of DOE counselors, Kamehameha's post-high school programs provide over 1,000 students with financial aid and another 5,000 \vith both college and career counseling. In addition, the University of Hawaii College of Education, together with Kamehameha and the C)OE, train teachers to teach minority children by sensitizing them to eultural practices and traditions.

By joining forces with the public school system, Kamehameha Schools ean use its resources to teach more and more Hawaiian children in an effective and efficient manner. This unique publicprivate effort helps everyone: children, parents, teachers and the community. And we continue to explore new and innovative means for our efforts to expand. The collaboration between the Hawaii State Department of Education and Kamehameha Schools is that rare situation where one and one add up to considerably more than two.

§Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate sponsors this eolumn in the interest of helping people understand its role and mission.