Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1991 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Business
By Christina Zarobe Assistant Editor
The OHA Board of Trustees held its Aug. 30 business meeting at the Koele Lodge conference room on Lana'i. Present were Chairman Clayton H. W. Hee and trustees Abraham Aiona, Moanikeala Akaka, Rowena N. Akana, A. Frenchy DeSoto, Louis Hao, Kamaki A. Kanahele III, Thomas Kaulukukui, Sr. and Moses Keale, Sr. Chairman's Report The chairman reported on letters concerning the following: 1. An upcoming meeting with Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii. 2. An issue regarding Mike John of Hilo and the county Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) and Housing. 3. The appointment if Susan Gochros as an independent contractor relating to Senate Concurrent Resolution 222. 4. A memorandum concerning an interpretation of the scope of services for aides. 5. Regarding corrections and the purchase of books involving an action item from the committee on finance. 6. Correspondence to the Office of Historic Preservation regarding the Naea family. 7. Carl Choy's questions to the board from Bishop Trust. 8. OHA's receiving a spike in revenues of approximately $2 million from the agreement on a lease on the Big Island for $10 million for a golf course. The money has been deposited in a Dean Witter account. Administrator's Report The administrator reported on the following items: 1. The Genealogy Project Master Plan Update. 2. Gratitude for contributions and supportfrom the Na Pu'uwai Board of Directors, Moloka'i/Lana'i Native Hawaiian Health Care System Planning Project. 3. A letter from the Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawai'i Nei. 4. The first quarterly liaison meeting Sept. 4-5. 5. Clerk/typist Yolanda Tassie Agena from the Kaua'i OHA Liaison office submitted her resignation effective Aug. 30. 6. OHA's participation on the Strategic Issue Formulation for Eeonomieal Development panel. 7. A directive to OHA division and staff officers regarding a six-day period of action items submitted for OHA board and committee action. A resolution was unanimously approved to develop, improve and expand communications and services prpvided by OHA trustees. Committee Reports Budget, Finance, PoIicy & Planning The board voted unanimously to adopt "The Guidelines and Procedures for the Award of Grants, Subsidies and Purchase of Services Related to the OHA Repatriation Fund" developed by the OHA Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Task Force/Council. The board voted unanimously to publish a "Romioct { nr Pmnnc;al<;" nnt to pycppc] .<R.c»r)0 to
solicit a contractor to perform a management audit for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. After lengthy discussion, the board voted to refer back to the Budget, Finance, Policy and Planning Committee the issue of acquiring professional and technical public relations services to inform the Hawaiian and general communities about OHA's accomplishments and goals. The board voted unanimously to provide assistance to the Waimanalo Health Center's Nutrition and Dance Exercise Program and to provide money from special funds. The board voted unanimously to acquire Hawaiian books and other Hawaiian publications for the Halawa Correctional Facility Resource Center. The board voted unanimously to replace fiscal
year 1991-92 funds inadvertently deleted from the operating budget of the Historic Preservation Council with up to $20,000 from the Native Hawaiian Rights Fund and up to $30,000 from the Native Hawaiian Repatriation Fund. The board voted unanimously to approve the Volunteer Program Conflict of Interest Policy. The board voted unanimously to approve a dollar for dollar match of loan fund principal for the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund. Before passing the resolution it was amended to read "not to exceed $1 million per annum per federal fiscal year beginning fiscal year 1992 upon reauthorization of the Native Americans Program Act." No other actions were reported out of committees. Paul Alexander, Washington, D.C. counsel for OHA, gave the board a report of his work activity for OHA. His duties include the following: 1. Providing a monthly eolumn for the Ka Wai Ola O OHA. 2. Legal advice on a variety of issues regarding the OHA. 3. Coordinating Congressional testimony given by OHA. 4. Attending an indigenous conference with the OHA delegation. 5. Coordinated with Congressional staff and administration officials concerning Native Hawaiian issues. 6. Provided detailed reports on all federal Native Hawaiian legislation and appropriations.
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