Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1991 — Aloha spirit reigns at annual Waikiki parade [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Aloha spirit reigns at annual Waikiki parade
By Christina Zarobe Assistant Editor Sitting on a low wall lining the sidewalk along Ala Moana Blvd. Auntie Betty Jenkins proudly surveyed the Office of Hawaiian Affairs first-ever float entry in the Aloha Festival Floral Parade. Shortly after, Jenkins climbed aboard the OHA float as a representative of Hawaiian kupuna. One of 11 floats in the parade, the OHA entry captured the . Mayor's Trophy for best theme in the noncommercial division. "lt represented our entire state. These flowers eame from Kaua'i all the way down the ehain. It has a loeal flavor, a Hawaiian flavor," she explained. "It's an honor for me. It's more than just riding on the float. We take our direction from the foundation of our culture whieh is one of excellence." Despite the downpour that drenched paradegoers as the procession wound its way down Kalakaua through Waikiki to Kapi'olani Park, the annual event delighted kamaaina and tourists alike.
The OHA float, with its strong Hawaiian theme, was designed by award-winning float designer Andrew Miyamoto. It featured a traditional Hawaiian voyaging eanoe riding the crest of a wave to symbolize the voyage into the future of the Hawaiian peopie. It included celebrity guests the Brothers Cazimero, singing selections from their new "Follow Me" album, dancer Leina-'ala Kalama Heine, and chanters and dancers of Halau Na Kamalei and Na Pualei O Likolehua. Representing the unity of the generations in this voyage were kupuna Betty Kawohiokalani Jenkins and Tiona Wailehua, makua Ipolani Vaughan (this year's May Day Queen) and 'opio Lehua Pekelo, La'ahea Ka'a'awa, Donna Gaison and Clarence Gillia. The following is a rundown of the Aloha Festivals Parade winners: • Float, Grand Sweepstakes Award: Hilton Hawaiian Village. • Float, commercial division: Hyatt Regency Governor's Trophy (best theme); Colony Hotels and Resorts, President's Trophy (best floral use); Aloha Airlines, King's Award (best animahon).
v * mmmm La'ahea Ka'a awa of the OHA float.
• Float, non-commercial division: Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Mayor's Trophy (best theme); lmperial Court, Queen's Trophy (best floral use); ISKCON, Parade Chairman's Trophy (best animation). • Float, 25-foot and under: American Hawai'i Cruises, Parade Committee Award. • Precision Marching Units: Hilton Hawaiian Village guards (first plaee); King's Guards of King's Village (second plaee); Kamehameha Schools ROTC (third plaee). • Non-predsion marching units: United Okinawan Association (first plaee); Aklanon Association of Hawai'i (second plaee); Aloha Temple Shrine (third plaee). • Pa'u units: lsland of Kaua'i, grand Pa'u Award; Ni'ihau, Pa'u Marshal Award; Molokini, Pa'u Queen Award; Hawai'i, Judge's Choice. • Private mounted units: Lihi Lani Hui Holo Lio, Grand Private Mounted Award; Na Makana O Ke Aloha, Rodeo Amenea Award; Rodeo Hawai'i, Rodeo Hawai'i Award. • "Pooper Scoopers": O'ahu, Most Original; Ni'ihau, Most Comical; Kaua'i, Best Technique. • Perpetual Trophy (best Hawaiian music): Kahuku High School. Aiso recognized was Pa'u Marshal Francis Morgan of Kualoa Ranch.
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Dancers of Halau Na Kamalei with OHA float.
The front lauhala sail of OHA float.
t 1 i Kahuku High School dancer. Photos by Christina Zarobe
The Aloha Airlines Tutu.
Halau Hula Olana with the Aloha Airlines.