Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 9, 1 September 1991 — Computer center graduates class, starts new one [ARTICLE]

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Computer center graduates class, starts new one

Fifteen weeks of intensive study and training on computer technology, typing speed and accuracy, math, English, office procedures, and professional grooming culminated in a well-earned, impressive graduation in July for Alu Like Hawai'i Computer Class XIII. Graduating with honors were Heather Ahia, Beth Burkert, Tammie Fonoimoana, Faye Hefferman. The Anton Krucky award, recognizing the most outstanding student, was presented to Heather Ahia. The Winona Ellis Rubin award was awarded to Stacy Cullen as the most improved student. Elmer Keahi received Alu Like's CEO/President's award as the most inspirational student. Recognized for 15 weeks of perfect attendance were Heather Ahia, Stacy Cullen, and Elmer Keahi. Fourteen of the 20 graduates had accepted positions- with business firms before graduation. Under the recruitment and internship programs, students themselves have established credibility with major firms whieh reflects positively on the center's training.

Student applications are now being accepted for the next session. Please contact Georgette Kealoha for information at the Hawai'i Computer Center, 538-0035. . Acknowledged with sorrow is the sudden passing of Robert Ng Bing, Jr., on July 28. He was the assistant director of the Hawai'i Computer Training Center. In charge of internal affairs, he was innovative in instituting the job fest and internship program with many major films. Bing started as an employment specia'>t with the center in 1989, and was recently promoted to the position of assistant director. He made an impact on the lives of many students, motivating them to better themselves. Because of Bing's networking, and the success firms have had in their selection of employees, firms have eonsistently returned to participate in job fests to hire qualified applicants. In other news, center director, Pikake Wahilani, left HCTC Aug. 15 to become Mrs. Robert Pelekai. The Pelekais will be living in San Francisco.