Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1991 — Entrepreneurship classes to begin [ARTICLE]
Entrepreneurship classes to begin
The Alu Like Business Development Center is conducting its Entrepreneurship Training Frogram (ETF) course for Hawaiian natives who are interested in starting, managing or expanding a business. Classes are held two to three nights a week for 12 weeks. The course covers a wide range of business topics including business start-up, marketing, organizational and operations management and financial planning. This will be the eighth and ninth coursesoffered since the Entrepreneurship Training Program began in 1989. Since then, 108 students have graduated from the program. The goal of the ETP is to encourage Hawaiian entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, providing themselves eeonomie opportunities and options other than traditional employment. "When working for others, opportunities are limited," commented Wailani Bell, Alu Like Entrepreneurship Training Specialist. "Entrepreneurs have a ehanee to turn dreams and visions into realities," stated Bell. No business idea is too big or too small, and no
one should be discouraged from pursuing their idea. Past ETP graduates who have started businesses range from Lorraine Snarr who sells king and queen-sized fashions on weekends at the Aloha Stadium Flea Market to Luana Alapa, a former Miss Hawai'i, who owns the modeling and talent agency L.A. Models; and Edmund Hee, owner of Asano of Hawai'i Corp., who maintains an import-export wholesaling business. The success of these businesses are due, in large part, to the entrepreneurial spirit of selfdetermination, motivation and creativity. Alu Like's program also provides students an opportunity to work with fellow Hawaiians in creating a unique learning environment. "The network and support system is mueh stronger," stated Bell. "Students ean relate to eaeh other because of a eommon cultural background." Enrollment is limited so please telephone the Alu Like Business Development Center office at 524-1225 for an applieahon.
(presented by Ka Wai Ola O OHA and Alu Like as a puhlie service)