Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1991 — Hula camp at Kualoa [ARTICLE]
Hula camp at Kualoa
A three-day hula eamp and retreat will be held Oct. 25-27 at Kualoa Regional Park, O'ahu. Individuals and halau are invited to participate in the eamp, whieh will feature daily classes in both hula kahiko and auwana, arts and crafts activities, mo'olelo (storytelling), and conclude with a lu'au and ho'olaule'a. Fee is$25 to cover cost of meals and lu'au. Registration will be limited to the first 100 children over age 8, and the first 200 adults. For details, eall 266-7655.