Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1991 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS JOB OPPORTUNITIES The following positions are on continuous recruitment, should recruitment be closed, notice of the last day to file will be posted in our office two weeks prior to the effective date. All position vacancies are for the island of Oahu:
( ) Culture Officer ( ) Health & Human Services Officer ( ) Public lnformation Officer ( ) Housing Officer ( ) Grants Applications & Management Specialist ( ) Business Loan Officer ( ) Research Specialist ( ) Program Evaluation Analyst ( ) Operation Ohana Coordinator ( ) Publications Assistant ( ) Legislative Aide ( ) Land & Natural Resource Specialist ( ) Culture Specialist ( ) Housing Specialist ( ) Operation Ohana Assistant ( ) Secretary I ( ) Clerk-Typist III
$3,334/mo. $3,334/mo. $3,334/mo. $3,334/mo. $2,964/mo. $2,739/mo. $2,434/mo. $2,434/mo. $2,434/mo. $2,251/mo. $2,251/mo. $2,251/mo. $2,251/mo. $2,251/mo. $2,082/mo. $1 ,665/mo. $1 ,538/mo.
To request applications by mail, eheek out the job title(s) for whieh you are interested and may qualify, complete the information below, elip and mail THIS ENTIRE AD to: Administrative Services Office, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu Hl 96813. NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE: ZIP CODE: IYou may also apply directly to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 71 1 Kapiolani Blvd.. Suite 500, Hon., Hl, M-F, 7:45-4:30 or eall 586-3777 during morning hours for an application. EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER i