Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 7, 1 July 1991 — Hawaiian business listing compiled [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian business listing compiled
ln an effort to promote Native Hawaiian-owned businesses, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) and Alu Like, ine. are compiling a statewide directory of these companies. The directory will be published later this year and will highlight products and services offered by Native Hawaiians firms throughout the state. In addition to eaeh company listing, a business resource and information section will be included. Copies of the directory wili be distributed to loeal and nahonal government agencies and to business membership organizations. The public may also request copies. The directory updates a similar publication produced by OHA and is one of many collaborative projects currently underway between OHA and Alu Like. The goal of the publication is to increase visibility of Hawaiian entrepreneurs among the general public and facilitate their ability to do business among themselves. From an initial mailing of over 500 surveys, responses to date have been encouraging, including those from the neighbor islands, and will ensure the directory represents a wide range of businesses. Business owners of Hawaiian ancestry interested in being listed in the directory should contact the Alu Like Business Development Center at 524-1225. Neighbor island business owners may write to the center at 33 S. King St., Suite 311, Honolulu 96813.