Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1991 — Self-enrollment now available for Operation ʻOhana [ARTICLE]
Self-enrollment now available for Operation ʻOhana
by Elaine Tamashiro Volunteer Coordinator lt's been several months since you last heard about Operation 'Ohana and some of you are wondering when Phase II — validation — is coming up. We are still on Phase I — registering and enrolling Hawaiians. Phase II is still being worked on and is not ready for launching so please be patient. We will inform you of any changes as soon as it occurs. Self-enrollment is now possible for Operation 'Ohana. You may eall the office at 586-3777 or drop by at 711 Kapiolani Blvd. Suite 500 in the
Pacific Plaza building to piek up enrollment forms with instructions. In addition, the Honolulu Community Action Program (HCAP) district offices are helping us and have forms available at their district offices. The district offices are located at: Central District: 99-102 Kalaloa Street in Aiea; KalihiPalama District: 1440 Alokele Street; Leahi District (Palolo, Kaimuki): 1915 Palolo Ave; Wai'anae Coast District: 85-5555 Farrington Hwy.; Windward District: 47-232 Waihee Rd. Mahalo HCAP. Just a reminder . . . Operation 'Ohana is a
worldwide effort to register Hawaiians. Your kokua is needed to spread the word. Volunteers are still needed to help as deputy enrollment registrars, district coordinators, trainers and recruiters. If interested, please eall 586-3752 between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.