Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 7, 1 July 1991 — Pacific Islander directory [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Pacific Islander directory
Wanted: Pacific Islanders who are working in media professions. Names will be included in a newly created Pacific Islander Media Directory. The directory is part of a project to establish the Pacific Islander Media Consortium whieh is the last of five minority programming consortia being organized by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. However, before the consortium ean be established, Pacific Islanders involved in media professions must first be identified. Those Pacific Islanders will then be notified of ongoing opportunities and efforts to increase
Pacific Islanders' participation in programming. Forms are available from the Pacific Islander Media Working Group at 733 Bishop St., #170-92, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 or 488-7568. The directory is scheduled for publication this summer. Those interested are asked to respond as soon as pofeible. A limited numberof formsare available by calling or writing the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Members of the group are Solomona Aoelua, Catherine Cruz, Heather Guigni, Sandy Ilaoa, David H. Kalama, Jr., Moniea Okada, Puhipau and project coordinator Lurline McGregor.
"He Ana Te Mea Nui O Te Ana," by Robyn Kahukiwa. Acrylic on canvas.