Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 6, 1 Iune 1991 — OHA leases site for new Maui offices [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA leases site for new Maui offices
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has acquired a six-year master lease for a 9000 sq. ft. warehouse in the old Millyard lndustrial Park in Wailuku, to create a multi-agency office space that will house by this fall operations of the Maui offices of OHA, Alu Like, Ine., and Hui No Ke Ola Pono, a Hawaiian health services planning group. Remodeling of the mostly empty interior of the warehouse will begin this summer onee space plans are complete and building permits are obtained from Maui County. Other prospective tenants may include the Maui County archaeologist, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate or the Department of Hawaiian Home
Lands. While the primary reason for selection of this space stems from the upcoming lease expiration of OHA's Maui office, timing is fortuitous for other agencies, such as Alu Like , whieh is on a month-to-month lease now, to join in a centralized loeahon. The Millyard Industrial Park is located in Wailuku close to other agencies and is convenient to reach. Parking is readily available on site and on adjoining streets. The Millyard site also will make it easier for Hawaiians to make use of services of different Hawaiian agencies by going to one loeahon. The idea of co-locating Hawaiian service agencies was
a recommendation in the Hui 'Imi Task Force on Hawaiian Services in their report to the Legislature. īhe warehouse, on the corner of Imi Kala and Eha streets, is the former location of the Maui Lager company. lt is across the street from the new Wailuku Post Office. Future plans eall for Eha street to be extended to connect to the Wailuku Industrial Park. The OHA Board of Trustees approved the master lease plan at its Apnl 26 business meeting. OHA is represented by Frances N. Okazaki of Coldwell Banker Commercial. The landlord, Furisu & Fergus, is represented by Iwado Realty.
OHA's present second-floor office ean be reached only by climbing a flight of stairs. Parking is limited.
The new location, whieh should be completed in late fall is a spacious ground-floor site with ample parking.
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