Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 6, 1 Iune 1991 — All about care of Hawaiian quilts [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
All about care of Hawaiian quilts
Volunteers of the Hawaiian Quilt Research Project will be registering Hawaiian quilts and Hawaiian quilt patterns made prior to 1960, at Quilt Day on Saturday, June 22, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Likeke Hall, Kawaiahao Church, 957 Punchbowl Street in Honolulu. Quilt Day is sponsored by the Hawaiian Quilt Research Project, a special project of the KalihiPalama Culture and Arts Society, ine. in cooperation with the Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club. The goal of the Hawaiian Quilt Research Project is to gather a more complete history about quilting in the islands and information about Hawaiian quilters their patterns and family quilting traditions. At the present time, the Hawaiian Quilt Research Project is focusing on Hawaiian appliqued quilts, Hawaiian flag quilts and Hawaiian quilt patterns whieh were in existence before 1960. Quilt historians, textile specialists and textile conservators will be available on Quilt Day to assist quilt owners in registering and photodocumenting their quilts. Owners are asked to bring their quilts and/or quilt patterns between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. The documentation process will take approximately 1 to 2 hours. Registrants will receive a copy of eaeh quilt's documentation papers. Documented information about the quiltand/or the quiltmaker such as letters, newspaper articies, genealogy, photographs, and diaries will be helpful in developing a complete history of the quiltand the ni iiltor
For quilt collections of more than five Hawaiian quilts, the Project will schedule private appointments to register these larger collections. Please eall 521-6905 to request an appointment. Quilt Day is open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will include Hawaiian quilting aemonstrations, a display of Hawaiian quilts and tracing of Hawaiian quilt patterns. "Kealoha No Pauahi," a commemorative quilt pattern designed by Gussie Bento for the Hawaiian Quilt Research Project, will be available for purchasing along with acid-free boxes and tissue paper for the storage of quilts. The Pacific Regional Cons6rvation Center has prepared information on the care and conservation of quilts whieh will be available free-of-charge to Quilt Day participants. Acid-free boxes and acid-free tissue paper for the storage of quilts will be available for purchase. Quilt Days are tentatively planned during 1991 for Waimanalo in September, Lana'i City in October and Wai'anae in November. In 1992 Quilt Days are scheduled for Moloka'i in January, Maui in March and Kaua'i in May. If you would like to be a Quilt Day vo!unteer or receive more information about the Hawaiian Quilt Research Project, please eall 521-6905 or write to the Kalihi-Palama Culture and Arts Society, ine., 357 N. King Street, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Quilt Care Lecture "How to be a conscientious caretaker of quilts", a lecture by Linda Hee of the Pacific Regional Conservation Center, will be presented on Thursday, June 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mission Houses Museum meeting hall. The program is free and open to the public. Sponsors of the presentation are the Mission Houses Museum and the Hawaiian Quilt Research Project, a special project of the Kalihi-Palama Culture and Arts Society, ine. Ms. Hee will discuss the care and handling and the proper storage methods for quilts to preserve them for future generations. She will also show examples of suitable storage materials. For more information, eall 521-6905. Hawaiian Quilts at Family Sunday Hawaiian quilts will be one of the highlights of Family Sunday at the Bishop Museum on June 2. Hawaiian Quilt Research Project volunteers will show how they are documenting Hawaiian quilts in
their statewide project to register Hawaii's heritage in quilts. Deborah Kakalia, her students and Rose Tam Hoy will have a display of quilts and will be demonstrating the art of Hawaiian quilting throughout the day. For more information, eall 247-5358.
Quilt researchers examine Hawaiian quilt.