Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 6, 1 Iune 1991 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation proudly announee the publication of the Native Hawaiian Rights Handbook Edited by Melody Kapilialoha MacKenzie "This Handbook is the first comprehensive analysis of the vast array of laws and cases affecting Native Hawaiian people. It establishes Native Hawaiian rights as a growing and exciting field of law." — Williai ; S. Richardson, Chief Justice (Retired) Hawaii Supreme Court and Trustee Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate "For the last 20 years, Hawaiians have focused on the historical wrongs inflicted on them as a native people. With this Handboo k, we ean begin retrieving and affirming our rights as Hawaiians." — Moses Keale, Chairman Board of Trustees, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Distributed by the University of Hawoii Press $25.00, paperback

0f related interest Native American Estate Winner of the 1 990 Gustavus Myer Center's Award for the The Struggle over lndian and Hawaiian Lands Outstanding Book on Human Rights Linda S. Parker A 1990-1991 ehoiee Outstanding Academic Book "The work is a valuable one for those interested in understanding the totality of the experience between native peoples and the United States Government and the connection between Native Americansand native Hawaiians." — Pauline N. King, The Western Historical Quarterly $24.00, hardcover Available in bookstores throughout Hawaii Please send me: Shipping: $2.00 for the first book, $ 1 .00 eaeh additional. Total Native Hawaiian Rights Handbook Gheck enclosed VISA MasterCard Exp. Date $25.00, paperback . ..... c . Acct. No Signature Native Amenean Estate 6 $24.00, hard cover Name m\ University of Hawaii Press Address !l!l 2840 Kolowalu St„ Honolulu, Hl 96822 Ci9 State ZiP —