Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 5, 1 May 1991 — ALU LIKE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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(presented by Ka Wa\ Ola O OHA and Alu Like as a puhlie service)

The Native Hawaiian Library Project (NHLP) will present a variety of exciting programs during May, especially on the Big Island. The Holomua Resource Van Project will be on the Big Island this month, visiting Waimea Elementary School on May 3 and Kealakehe Homework Center on May 7. Students may use their Hawai'i State Public Library cards to borrow books about Hawai'i from the van project. The Kealakehe Homework Center in Kealakehe Intermediate School near Kailua-Kona, is now open for use by students before and after school. The Homework Center is a quiet plaee where students ean do their homework and use library material for reference or recreational reading with the assistance of a staff person. Quilt patterns In cooperation with the Bishop Museum, there will be a series of quilt pattern-tracing workshops. Copies of 55 quilt patterns donated to the Bishop Museum by the family of expert quilter, Hannah Baker, will be available for tracing. Some, though not all, of these patterns are originals. The workshops on the Big Island will feature a guest speaker, Beth Ehu, who will share her quilting

experience. Interested quilters should bring their own tracing paper for the 72" x 42" patterns. NHLP will provide the #1 pencils. Books on quilting will be available for borrowing. Quilt pattern tracing workshops will also be held in the Thelma Parker Library in Kamuela on May 2, Bond Memorial Library in Kohala on May 6 and Kealakekua Library on May 13. Call eaeh library to confirm the time of these evening workshops. Ho'oponopono The Ohina Mo'olelo Maika'i lecture series will present a program about ho'oponopono by Sonny Kinney at the Moloka'i Public Library on May 22 at 6 p.m. For Keiki Parent-child reading workshops are scheduled at Kamehameha Traveling Preschool sites in Punaluu, O'ahu on May 8, Waiohinu, Ka'u on May 13 and Kealakehe, Kona on May 14. Outreach librarian Patricia Louis will visit these sites to encourage parents to read to their children, show them a demonstration of favorite books, and silkscreen T-shirts or posters with our "E Heluhelu Mai — Read to Me" design of a Hawaiian woman reading to her child.

The library project, through the "Reading is Fundamental" program, will distribute books for students in kindergarten through third grade at Hau'ula Elementary on May 17 and Lineoln Elementary on May 24. Three times a year, these enthusiastic students listen to book talks and select one book eaeh to keep from this project. Last month, NHLP celebrated National Library Week by distributing bookmarks to Homework Centers and public libraries statewide. These bookmarks, inspired by favorite books, feature artwork by children who attend the Homework Centers in Kekaha and Anahola, Kaua'i; Waimanalo, O'ahu; Paukukalo, Maui; and Keaukaha, Hawai'i. For Kupuna Also, our "Books-By-Mail" project will schedule monthly visits with the kupuna at the Waimanalo site of the Alu Like Ke Ola Pono No Na Kupuna Program at the Seventh Day Adventist Church Hall. This project will take Hawaiian books and videos to share with the kupuna and will schedule special programs. In May, DeSoto Brown of the Bishop Museum will narrate the video, "Hawai'i on Film", about Hawai'i in the "old days."