Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 5, 1 May 1991 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Business

By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer

The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs was held on Mar. 22 at OHA's Honolulu office, 711 Kapiolani Boulevard. Present were Chairman Keale and Trustees Aiona, Akaka, Akana, DeSoto, Hao, Hee and Kanahele. Trustee Kaulukukui was excused. Community Presentation Sam Ka'ai and Kalani Meineeke appeared before the board to extend on behalf of "Na Aikane O Pu'ukohola Heiau" an invitation to participate in "Ho'oku'ikahi", the 200th anniversary of the dedication of Kamehameha's war temple, Pu'ukohola at Kawaihae, Hawai'i on Aug. 17. Ka'ai said "Ho'oku'ikahi" means "unification" and is a command to assemble. He displayed examples of a number of articles whieh will be used in the ceremony including a meticulously crafted mahiole (helmet) and various weapons for war. Ka'ai said those organizations invited to attend are weleome to present their authentic kahili and ho'okupu of something traditionally Hawaiian such as kalo, 'uala, 'awa, niu, ko, or mai'a (taro, sweet potato, kava root, coconut, sugar eane, banana) in units of 40. Many of the chanters in the ceremony will be direct descendants of those who presided at the dedication 200 years ago. In addition to OHA's participation in the ceremony, Ka'ai is seeking financial support for the gathering. After considerable discussion, a motion to participate in the event was adopted. Chairman Keale referred the matter to the Committee on Education and Culture, working with the Administrator and to the Budget Committee if funding is recommended. Administrator's Report The Administrator's report included acknowledge of correspondence, temporary office security guidelines, a request for financial support from Lunalilo Home and testimony by Alu Like in support of the biennium budget request of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. With regard to the request from Lunalilo Home, Administrator Paglinawan reported he has met with the home's manager and is exploring solutions to the facility's financial problems. Committee Reports (Action Items) Committee on Budget and Finance, Policy and Planning 1. The board approved a motion to have the administrator respond to Edward Kanahele of Hui Malama 1 Na Kupuna by presenting him with complete documentation with regard to Kanahele's assertion that OHA had committed to the assumption of certain expenses incurred by Hui Malama. The expenses were incurred in eonneehon with the return of iwi from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. 2. The board also accepted a recommendation from the committee to approve after research by staff, funding for the Moloka'i Makahiki, with the understanding that the funding, not to exceed $5,000, will be matched dollar for dollar by the Maui County Council. 3. The Ernst and Young Management Study of the Board of Trustees was accepted with the understanding it ean be reviewed from time to time. Committee on Eeonomie Development and Land 1. The board adopted a position opposing a plan to create a Nahonal Park on O'ahu consisting of lands along the Ka Iwi shoreline, from Hanauma Bay to Bellows Field, Mount Olomana, Maunawili Valley and Kawainui Marsh and authorized a press release announcing that position. 2. The board declined to approve funding to intervene in two separate legal actions. Concern was expressed that the funding requests were

open-ended and total costs could not be determined. The legal actions involve title to property in Kipu, Kaua'i and ownership of lands in Port Allen, Kaua'i. 3. A recommendation to issue a "request for proposals" to provide consultation service to the Board of Trustees was referred back to committee. 4. The board accepted an amended outline of testimony prepared by attorney Jon Van Dyke on Governor Waihee's "action plan" on the Ceded Lands and Hawaiian Homes Trusts. Committee on OHA Relations The Board approved a resolution acknowledging S. Timothy Wapato, Commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans, for his sensitivity to Hawaiian needs and his efforts in facilitating grants to Native Hawaiians. Committee on Legislative Review Approval was given to transmit "An Open Letter To Members of the Hawai'i State Legislature" concerning the tendency of the current legislature to earmark OHA special funds or at least suggest their use for programs outside of OHA. The committee found that the extent of legislative involvement demonstrated in the current legislature with regard to the use of OHA special funds is inappropriate. The letter makes the point that OHA Trustees are obligated to assure that the trust obligation to native Hawaiians is not breached. Calendar The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was set for Apr. 26. The May business meeting of the OHA Board of Trustees is scheduied for Friday, May 31 at 9:30 a.m. in Kona, Hawai'i.