Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 5, 1 May 1991 — OHA schoiarship for arts/crafts marketing seminars [ARTICLE]

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OHA schoiarship for arts/crafts marketing seminars

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Entrepreneurship Training Program is making full and partial scholarships available to Hawaiians for three arts and crafts marketing seminars in May and June: "Photographing your creative work," "Creating the artistic portfolio," and "Getting it straight: legal and tax basics for arts-related organizations." The seminars began last month and will be held on Kaua'i, O'ahu, Maui, Moloka'i and Hawai'i in Hilo and Kona. Deadline to register is one week before eaeh seminar. The seminars are sponsored by Hawaii Craftsmen, a non-profit arts and crafts educational organization. Partial funding is being provided by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts and OHA. • "Photographing your creative work," a oneday seminar, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. covers how to photograph two- and three-dimensional work, deal with reflective surfaces, and use positive and negative spaces, light and shadow. Participants are urged to bring a 35mm camera and any existing photographs or slides for comment and critique. Cost: $55 per person ($50 for members of eosponsoring organizations, $45 for persons also taking the seminar "Creating the Artistic Portfolio.") Dates: Maui — Sat. May 4, Connecting Point classroom; Hilo, May 11, UH Hilo campus; Kaua'i— Sat. May 18, Kaua'i Community College, Molokai — June 14. • "Creating the artistic portfolio." Leam to put together a promotional portfolio, biography, artist's statement, photographs and slides, how to get your publicity into print. Leam how to work with the printer, the color separator and do handson desktop publishing. Guest artists from eaeh island will speak on how to successfully market your art.

Cost: $55 per person ($50 for members of eosponsoring organizations; $45 for people taking "Photographing your creative work.") Dates: Maui — Sun. May 5, Connecting Point classroom; Hilo — Sun. May 12, UH Hilo campus, Kaua'i — Fri. May 17, Kaua'i Community College. Times: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Friday session; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday sessions, Molokai— June 15. • "Getting it straight: legal and tax basics for arts-related organizations." This half-day-long seminar on non-profit board liability, fiduciary responsibilities, tax requirements, and by-laws will

cut the confusion on your role as a board member, volunteer and/or staff person. A panel discussion on ethical considerations, conflicts of interest, financial and program planning will clarify these issues and suggest solutions to these complex and sticky issues. Cost: $25 per person ($22.50 per person for members of co-sponsoring organizations) Dates: Kaua'i — Sat. May 4, Kaua'i Community College; Kona — Sat. May 11; Maui — Sat. May 11; Hilo — Sat. May 18. (Locations to be announced).