Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 5, 1 May 1991 — OHA grant workshops to continue [ARTICLE]

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OHA grant workshops to continue

"The Basics of Grant Writing" is a free workshop series presented by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs whieh began last month and continues this month and in June. Leam how to find sources of funding, develop a project idea, understand the different parts of a proposal, and how to develop a project budget. The workshops will also cover creating a non-profit organization, setting up bookkeeping and project monitoring procedures and grant reporting requirements. All workshops begin at 9 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. Bring a luneh, refreshments will be provided. To register eall the OHA !iaison on your island: O'ahu — Calvin Eaton, 586-3777; Maui — Thema Shimaoka, 243-5219; Hilo — Bill Kalei, 933-4349; Kaua'i — Boots Panui, 241-3390; Moloka'i — Myrle Florea, 553-3611; and Kona — Ruby McDonald, 329-7368. Following is the workshop schedule for May and June: • Molokai — May 4, Mitchell Pauole Center • West Kaua'i — May 11, Kekaha Neighborhood Center • Central/Leeward O'ahu — May 25, Pearl City

Library • East Hawai'i — June 1, OHA Hilo office • Windward O'ahu — June 8, Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, Windward Office • Maui — June 29, Cameron Center, conference room 2.