Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1991 — Health Fair May 4 [ARTICLE]
Health Fair May 4
The second Hawaiian Health Fair, a free ■ public event, will be held at Keaukaha I School, on Saturday, May 4. Opening I ceremonies will begin at 9 a.m. Mini- I workshops will begin at 10 a.m. Big Island I physicians and native practitioners will give I presentations on health and fitness, li traditional Hawaiian medicine, lomilomi and |l hypertension, eye diseases, spinal health, 1 mental fitness, and women's health. I
Health screenings and health information I will be provided. More than a dozen ■ educational booths will have resource ■! persons to talk to and ask questions. ■ Food booths will offer nutritional ,1 information on preparing healthy meals and I snacks. The event is co-sponsored by the ;■ Hawaiian Health Fair committee and Hui .■ Ho'omau O Keaukaha-Panaewa, and I supported by numerous individuals and I agencies.