Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 4, 1 April 1991 — ʻAi Pono, E Ola [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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ʻAi Pono, E Ola

By Tcrry Shintani, M.D.

How to get fish from your own back yard

Imagine walking into your backyard with a fish net, and with one scoop netting five live 3/4 lb. fish, cleaning, cooking and serving them absolutely fresh, 45 minutes from your backyard to your table. This is the way it might

have been īn ancient times tor some Hawanans. Beliee The Hawaiian people were always known for their skill in fishing. But perhaps less well known is the fact that they were also master fishfarmers. For example, evidence on Moloka'i indicates extensive fish pond development. In fact, so extensive was the fish farming system that if all the remnants of fish ponds were re-activated today, it is estimated that the island of Moloka'i could become self-sufficient for its protein source from its fish ponds with enough left over to generate some revenue for the island's economy. While restoring fish ponds would be a long-term goal, the question is what ean families do today to support such a movement and possibly reap some benefits from this concept as well? One project that is already yielding results that will allow some individuals to gain some selfsufficiency and a good source of nutrition is the "backyard fish-farming project," being conducted by the Wai'anae Coast Community Alternative Development Corporation (WCCADC). The 'Opelu Project (whieh along with Ka'ala Farm is part of an "ahupua'a" system) in Wai'anae is the

site of the family training and research for the backyard aquaculture. Can this concept be a reality? Well, the image of the 45 minutes from backyard to table is a story about the first harvest of the project described to me by Puanani Burgess, the executive director of the WCCADC. To get into the program, families are screened and selected for placement of their own backyard aquaculture tank. There must be a commitment to investing some "sweat equity" to see the farming project through. They are then trained in the raising of fish and assisted to set up their backyard fish farming facility. All the hardware and technical assistance is provided through the Opelu Project. They are provide fish fingerlings and taught how to feed the fish. Eaeh crop takes approximately six months to grow from fingerlings to approximately 3/4 pound size eaeh. The total yield per crop would be approximately 200 pounds whieh means the annual yield is 400 pounds. Eaeh family cou!d keep about 25 percent of their crop and sell the other 75 percent to cover expenses. The approximate market price in Wai'anae is $3 a pound and the cost of production is about $1.37 to cover electricity, feed, and supplies. One family is already farming fresh-water snails to sell to supplement their ineome. The self-help nature of the project is enhanced by the fact that its director, Earnest Kaneshiro is a part-Hawaiian gentleman from the Wai'anae coast community who went to the University of Washington to obtain a degree in marine biology. He has returned to Wai'anae help to help his community with this knowledge. The WCCADC,

whieh obtained a state grant to fund the project, is itself run by a board made up of community members such as Eric Enos, Puanani Burgess, Hayden Burgess, Billie Hauge, Karl Young, Gigi Cicquio and Dr. Fred Dodge. The success of projects such as this one will generate greater interest in restoring the selfsufficiency of individuals and communities. Perhaps it will even stimulate and hasten the movement to restore the ancient Hawaiian fishponds. In the meanwhile, for families in the Wai'anae coast community, if you are interested in the possibility of fresh fish in 45 minutesfrom your backyard to your table, eall 696-7241 and ask for Earnest Kaneshiro. Dr. Terry Shintani, physician and nutritionist, is director of preuentiue medicine at the Wai'anae Coast Comprehensiue Health Center. A majority ofthe health center's board and 18,000 clientsare of Hawaiian ancestry. He is also host of a radio talk show, "Nutrition and You" on Sundays, 7-9 p.m. on K-108.

Eric Enos shows visitors the Opelu Projects aquaculture tanks.