Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 4, 1 April 1991 — Molokai Ag. loans and other topics [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Molokai Ag. loans and other topics
by Louis Hao Trustee, Moloka'i and Lana'i 3rd Global Congress of Heritage Interpretation International (HII)
I represented the Office of Hawaiian Affairs at a meeting on March 7 , of Hll at the at the University of Hawai'i Manoa eampus. The purpose of HII is to bring together agencies for quality interpretation, pre-
servation and conservation of the world's natural and cultural resources. This affirmation, to protect areas, sites and objects to better serve the physical, cultural and spiritual needs of humanity and provide a link from the past to the present to our future, is of great interest. The Third Global Congress will bring nearly 300 speakers from more than 40 countries to participate in a variety of programs, workshops, semi-
nars and presentations, Nov. 3-8 at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu. Hawaii's Pacific and Asian cultures will be shared, particularly the Native Hawaiian. Let me know if you are interested in participating. Leave your name, phone number and address at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs office, 586-3777. Mrs. Hoaliku Drake I am privileged to acknowledge the confirmation of Mrs. Hoaliku Drake's re-appointment as Chairperson of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, by the State Legislature. Mrs. Drake works very hard for all of us. The Hawaiian Homes program has already shown mueh progress, and likewise the relationship between the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is positive. Congratulations! Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (HNRLF) I attended my first business meeting of the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund on February 28. Although I am not a voting member on the NHRLF board, I will be lending my expertise
and mana'o to this fine organization. If you have any suggestions regarding this program, please eall me. House Bill 1086 (Moloka'i Agricultural Loan Program) I am happy to report at this point that this bill is being heard at the Legislature for renewed funding. For your information, a precedent has now been set that loans to Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) applicants from this program receive a guarantee of $50,000 or 50 percent of the loan (not to exceed $50,000) by DHHL. What this means is that all the red tape or liens, assets, land and equipment ean be addressed in the loan package with a guarantee of up to $50,000 by DHHL. The program is continuing with the County of Maui. Now, similar guarantees or agreements ean now be accomplished with other lending institutions. It goes to show the concept of whatever benefits the Hawaiian people also benefits the general public and vice versa is true. Mahalo.