Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 4, 1 April 1991 — Enter voter slogan contest [ARTICLE]
Enter voter slogan contest
The contest challenges Hawai'i residents to create a slogan urging citizens to register and to vote in the 1992 elections. The winning slogan will be featured in the state's 1992 voter awareness campaign and will be one of two slogans to represent Hawai'i in the nahonal slogan contest this fall. To be eligible to enter, you must be a Hawai'i resident, age 5 and older. Entry forms are available at locations and must be postmarked by May 24. Employees of the Office of the Lt. Governor, contest judges and their immediate families aren't eligible to enter. Trips to the nation's capital and the neighbor islands and U.S. savings bonds are among the many donated prizes being offered in the third biennial contest. Entry forms are available at Times Super Market, Foodland Super Market, GEM Department Stores, 7-Eleven locations and all county clerk offices. Entry forms will also be sent to students at all public and private schools. Other Big Island locations are KTA Super Stores and Sure Save. Winning slogans from previous years have provided the themes of the state's past voter awareness campaigns. In 1989, the overall grand prize winner and Elementary Division first plaee winner was Dee Brown whose entry was, "A Little Vote Makes a Big Difference." The contest is sponsored by the Office of the Lt. Governor, in coordination with eaeh county clerk, the Nahonal Association of Secretaries of State, the Federal Voting Assistance Program and the
Ad Council. Details of the contest are available throught the offices of the Lt. Governor and county clerks. For information, contact the Hawaii Voter Hotline at 453-VOTE (8683). Neighbor island residents may eall toll-free l-800-442-VOTE.