Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 4, 1 April 1991 — OHA grant workshops to start [ARTICLE]
OHA grant workshops to start
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has scheduled a series of grant writing workshops to begin in April. The workshops wiil provide a general introduction to writing grants for state, federal and private funding. Topics to be covered include identifying sources of funding, developing a project idea, drafting a grant proposal, and developing a project budget. The workshop will also cover creating a non-profit organization, setting up bookkeeping and project and monitoring procedures, and grant
reporting requirements. The workshops will be conducted by OHA's planning officer and former grants specialist, Christine Valles. The workshops are free and will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring a brown bag luneh. Refreshments will be provided. Toregister eall the OHA office on your island or Valles on O'ahu at 586-3777. All workshops will begin at 9 a.m., end at 3 p.m., and include a luneh break.
Workshop schedule East Kaua'i Apnl 13 Anahola Homestead Club House West Hawai'i Apnl 20 Hulihe'e Palaee, Kuakini Room Moloka'i May 4 Mitchell Pauole Center West Kaua'i May 11 Kekaha Neighborhood Center Central/Leeward O'ahu May 25 Pearl City Public Library, Meeting Room East Hawai'i June 1 Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hilo Office Windward O'ahu June 8 Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, Windward Office, Hale 'Aha Maui June 29 Cameron Center, Conference Room 2