Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 March 1991 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BED & BREAKFAST Enjoy Hawaii Aloha on the Mainland with your host from Kauai • Beauti(ul, bright elean, contemporary pacifc isle style home • Comfortable, attractive t3eclooms wilh private bath • Swimming pool, temis & golf • Near public transportation • Conveniently located nea r Washington, DC (free museums & moruTients), Baltimore, MD & Nohhem, VA • Reasonable Kama'aina rates & hospitality

SPECIAL ASSISTANCE AVA1LABLE • Passports& Visa's • Embassies& ForeigiGov'ts • int'l& Domestic Travel • Congressional Contacts • Colleges and Universities • Specialiied Medical Facilities (NIH, John Hopkins, Walter Reed, etc.) Whetheryou eome forbusiness, relocating, attending college, orvacationing, we welcomeyou. For more Womialion, eonlael 'Anake Laheia at (30 1)945-21 47 or write Post Office Box 23980, Washingloa DC 20026.

Fresh ono opihi's from Big Island for graduations and wedding parties etc. $179 per

ga)lon or $90 per half gallon. Plaee orders now. Limited supply. 262-7887.

Advertising Rates Just $ 12.50 per eolumn ineh plus .04 percent tax (anproximately 1 in. long x 1 1/2 ineh wide). Up to 24 words per ineh! To qualify for this low classified rate, we must request that ads not include artwork or other special iauout requirempnts. To plaee an ad with us. eall 943-8599, or use the convenient form below. All ads must be prepaid. Clip form and mai! with payment to' Innovation. P.O. Box 62155, Honolulu. Hawai'i, 96839.

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I I I Clip form and mail with payment to: Innovation, P.O. Box 62155, Honolulu, Hawaii 96839. I 1