Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 March 1991 — Sign up for health insurance [ARTICLE]

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Sign up for health insurance

Do you and your family have health insurance? If not, the State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) may be for you. SHIP offers health care insurance to people who have difficulty getting it for themselves and their families. What are the benefits of SH1P? • Care for pregnant women • Preventive services such as well baby care,

adult screenings • Doctor's office visits • Laboratory and x-ray services • Necessary surgery • Limited hospital services. You may be eligible for SHIP:

Grant writing training course The Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program, Bishop Museum, will provide funds for approximately 15 individuals to participate in a one week (40 hrs) training session on how to write proposals for obtaining funds from various types of funding sources. The course will be held during

the week of June 24-28, and will be conducted on O'ahu, by The Grantsmanship Center of Los Angeles, California. Funding covers course fee, and necessary interisland travel and room and board expenses. For more information about eligibility requirements, please eall the NHCAP office at 599-3914/3730 or 848-4111. Deadline to apply is April 1, 1991.

• If you are a Hawai'i resident • If you have been without health insurance for the past three months • If you are not eligible for Medicaid, Medicare and CHAMPUS benefits and • If your ineome is less than or equal to the amounts shown on the chart below:

# OF PERSONS INCOME IN FAM1LV 1 $21,672 or less 2 $29,052 or less 3 $36,432 of less 4 $43,812 or Iess Iname hel !imts for families lar$er tban ftmr art availaile thnmgk SHIP.

The next applieahon period for SHIP will be April 1-7. If you think that you may be eligible for SHIP and need more information or an applieahon form, in March you should write the Hawai'i State Department of Health, State Insurance Program, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96801-9962, or eall SHIP at 548-7786. Neighbor islands, eall 1-800-468-4644. SHIP only accepts completed applieahon forms during scheduled applieahon periods. The next one is April 1-7.