Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 March 1991 — ALU LIKE [ARTICLE]

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I (presented b y Ka Wai Ola O OHA anel Alu Like as a puhhe s ervice)

Graduate scholarships announced for 1991/1992

The O'ahu Advisory Council of Alu Like has launched their Kako'o Graduate Scholarship Program for Hawai'i residents of Hawaiian or partHawaiian ancestry. Four $1,000 grants will be awarded to graduate students on the basis of their future goals. The scholarship award will be applied to educational expenses for the fall 1991 and the spring 1992 semesters.

Dr. Isaac J. Kaopua Jr., optometrist, chairman of the Kako'o Graduate Scholarship Program Committee and member of the O'ahu Advisory Council said, "Kako'o means to share, or to assist and that's what the O'ahu Advisory Coucil wanted."

Kaopua said that the committee's research found a need at the graduate level for such a scholarship program. During their research, Kaopua said, the committee discovered that many graduate scholarships had too many strings attached and it wanted to make it easier for graduate stu-

dents of Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian ancestry to continue their graduate education. "1 know from first hand experience that I had a difficult time securing financial support from any source while attending optometry school on the mainland," Kaopua said. "Since I already had a bachelors' degree, some scholarship screening committees I applied with believed that they should give others a ehanee to attain a bachelor's degree; therefore, my financial support was either decreased or not available," Kaopua explained.

The scholarship application deadiine is Tuesday, April 30. Application and eligibility requirements (applicants must be): • Enrolled or accepted at an accredited university or college in a graduate program. • submit a one page statement on why you chose your graduate program and how will it benefit our community. • submit two letters of recommendation. • submit an official transcript of undergraduate

work (and graduate work where applicable). • and provide proof of Hawaiian ancestry. Application forms and other related material may be obtained by visiting the Alu Like office at 1024 Mapunapuna Street, next to the bank, just off Puuloa and Pukoloa roads in the Mapunapuna industrial area. All applications should be addressed to: Alu Like, ine. Kako'o Graduate Scholarship Committee O'ahu Advisory Council 1024 Mapunapuna Street Honolulu, Hawai'i 96819

Other members of the Alu Like Kako'o Graduate Scholarship Program Committee include William D. Souza, chairman of the O'ahu Advisory Council and treasurer on the Alu Like Board of Directors, Mildred McColgan, member of the O'ahu Advisory Council, Harriet 0'Sullivan, Alu Like O'ahu Island representative and Toni Demos of the Bank of Hawai'i. For more information eall Harriet 0'Sullivan at 521-8916.