Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 March 1991 — More college scholarships available [ARTICLE]

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More college scholarships available

Here is a list of some scholarships anel sources of financia! aiei for undergraduate and graduate college study, and their upcoming deadlines for application. Some give preference to Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian students. Students who are planning to attend college should be contacting their high school guidance counselors. The Hawai'i State Department of Education publishes "Bulletin #15," a comprehensive list of financial resources. This bulletin may be obtained through high school guidance counselors, college financial aid office or the Hawai'i state library reference section.

Capt. Craig Kanaheie Hawaiian Studies scholarship. For students in UH Hilo Hawaiian Studies undergraduate program. Preference to Hawaiians. Field of study: Hawaiian studies. Scholarship range: $250-500. Deadline to apply: April 31 (fall 1991 semester), Oct. 31 (spring 1992 semester). Contact: Financial Aids Coordinator, University of Hawaii-Hilo, 96720-4091. Phone (808) 933-3323. Apply by filling out financial aid form. Edward Payson & Bernice Piilani Irwin

scholarship trust fund. For undergraduate and graduate level study in any field by residents of Hawai'i. Scholarship amount: $500. Deadline to apply: May 1. Contact: Frank Jahrling, Trust Division, First Hawaiian Bank, P.O. Box 3200, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96847. Phone (808) 525-7164. Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu scholarship. Must demonstrate financial need and scholarship record. For undergraduate and graduate study in any field. Scholarship amount: $250 minimum. Deadline to apply: May 1. Contact: Alika Beck, Scholarships Committee, Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, P.O. Box 1513, Honolulu Hawai'i 96806.

Ida M. Pope Memorial scholarship. Must demonstrate financial need, be resident of Hawai'i, demonstrate good scholarship record and health. For undergraduate and graduate study in any field. Scholarship amount not specified. Deadline to apply: May 1. Contact: Geraldine Johansen, Kamehameha Schools Post-High Financial Aid, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96717. Phone (808) 842-8216. Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club scholar-

ship. Must demonstrate financial need and good scholarship record. For undergraduate and graduate study in any field. Amount of scholarship varies. Deadline to apply: March 15. Contact: Claire Pruet, Kamehameha Schools Post-High Financial Aid, Kamehameha Schools, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817. Phone (808) 842-8216.

Public Employees Roundtable. Preference is given to candidates with some work experience in loeal, state or federal government or community service. Must have maintained a 3.0 or better GPA. Must write an essay entitled, "Why I have chosen to pursue a government career." Must in-

clude a written recommendation by an employer from public employment or community service. For undergraduate or graduate level study in the field of government. Scholarship amount varies. Deadline to apply: May 13. Contact: Public Employees Roundtable, P.O. Box 6184, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044. Blossom Evans scholarship fund. Must demonstrate financial need. For residents of Hawai'i planning to attend a workshop or class on continued page 23


from page 21 Hawaiian language, culture or arts; or majoring in Hawaiian studies or languages at any accredited college or university in Hawai'i. Preference to Hawaiians. Must be junior or senior under-

graduate, or graduate in field of Hawaiian studies. Amount of scholarships: $400 to $1000. Deadline to apply: March 15. Contact: Hawai'i Community Foundation, 212 Merchant St., Suite 330, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. Phone (808) 537-6333. Abraham Pi'ianai'a graduate scholarship. For Hawaiian or part-Hawaiian students accepted to UH Manoa graduate proqram of Hawaiian studies.

Scholarship amount: $1000. Deadline to apply: June 15. Contact: Dr. Kiyoshi Ikeda, Dept. of Sociology, Porteus 247, 2424 Maile Way, University of Hawaii-Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822. Phone (808) 956-8428, -7693, -8487. This information was compiled by the OHA Education diuision.