Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 March 1991 — Keiki Tahiti Fete is March 23 [ARTICLE]
Keiki Tahiti Fete is March 23
The Kalihi-Palama Culture & Arts Society, ine. will be hosting the sixth annual Keiki Tahiti Fete on Saturday, March 23, at the St. Louis High School McCabe Gymnasium.
Festivities will begin at 9 a.m. with artisan displays and sales of Tahitian handicrafts on the mauka side of the gym. The highlight of the festival at 10 a.m. will be a young people's Tahitian dance competition featuring talented youngsters 5-12 years of age colorfully attired in traditional costume. They will share their accomplishments in the art of 'ote'a, apanma himene, and the ori tahiti stylings of native Tahitian dances.
In sponsoring this event, the Kalihi-Palama Culture & Arts Society, ine. hopes to encourage our island youngsters to develop an appreciation of Hawaii's affinity with the peoples of Tahiti and enjoy the affiliation as expressed through the universal languages of music and dance.
Advance sale tickets are available for purchase at $4 per person at the Society's office at 357 North King St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. Tickets purchased on the day of the event will be $5 per person. For more information eall the KPCAS office at 521-6905.