Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1991 — Legislative summary of bills concerning Hawaiians [ARTICLE]
Legislative summary of bills concerning Hawaiians
Many bills havc been introduced in the current Legislature concerning Native Hawaiian issues. This month's issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA presents various information to readers covering:
• Governor Waihee's action plan to resolve controversies concerning the Hawaiian Home Lands trust and the Public Land (Ceded) trust. The plan was called for by the state Legislature in 1988 in connection with passage of Act 395, also known as the Native Hawaiian "Right to Sue" law. A special centerfold supplement covers the basic points of the governor's proposal. nor's proposal.
• lntormation on how citizens ean track bills using the state's ACCESS computer or telephone system. Also how to use the Capitol Public Service room to monitor legislation, prepare testimony or write letters to legislators. • A legislative digest presents some of the bill concerning Hawaiian matters and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs whieh have passed second reading, and their status atdeadline for Ka Wai Ola O OHA.
• Paul Alexander's "Mai Wakinekona" eolumn covers federal legislation concerning Native Hawaiians, and hearings by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs concerning reauthorization of the Native Amenean Programs Act, and the Native Hawaiian Health Act. The Native American Programs Act created the Administration for Native Americans, whieh has
funded a number of grants to Hawaiian organizations for eeonomie and social development projects. The Native Hawaiian Health Act has provided funds for creation of a statewide Native Hawaiian health care system and a master planning consortium, Papa Ola Lokahi. • Trustee Moanikeala Akaka's eolumn pertains to bills to assist persons dispossessed by volcanic eruptions.
• ln addition to the bills summanzed īn the legislative "box score," bills have been heard on the following topics: HB 369 (SB 414) — Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Proposes to amend Chapter 10, Hawai'i Revised Statutes, to provide the Office of Hawaiian Affairs with rules-making powers, eonsistent with Chapter 91. Bill was heard in House and reported out. Now pending in House Judiciary.
HB 372 (SB 308) — Relatmg to histonc preservation. Purpose is to include the use of the state inventory of sites, in addition to the state register of historic places, as a planning tool for the identification of cultural properties and historic sites. Bill was heard onee and is now pending in the House. continued page 9