Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1991 — SEGOND READING LEGISLATIVE BOX SCORE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


P/2R* BILL NO. TITLE and INTENT ACTION X H. B. 701 OHA BIENNIUM BUDGET requesting HEARD and unamended in subject matter NO S.B. $20 million in matching funds for fiscal committees of both houses. Reported out to years 1991-1993. House Finance and Senate Ways & Means. S. B. 307 RELATING TO ENVIRONMENTAL HEARD in Senate, but held pending overall review H.B. 371 IMPACT STATEMENTS: would add OHA and report by UH Environmental Center on amendments inventory of cultural sites to list of properties to EIS law. Report expected to include OHA inventory whieh "trigger" an environmental assessment. amendment as a recommendation. S.B. 411 RELATEMG TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION HEARD in Senate, but held pending addiuonal disH.B. 569 to establish a mitigation process whieh includes cussions with land owners and developers with concems OHA and affected community groups when a over timing and implications of MOA process. project adversely affects historic sites. Mitigation conditions would be formalized in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) similar to process utilized in Nahonal Historic Preservation AeL j X S.B. 412 AUTHORIZING BONDS & AN APPROPRI- HEARD in Senate, and reported out unamended to H.B. 671 ATION FOR SPECIAL FACILITY AT Ways & Means Committee. MAUNA 'ALA to build a proper repository for two deified individuals now curated at the Bishop Museum. These ka'ai are 'aumakua from the island of Hawai'i who were moved to Mauna'Ala by the Kamehameha family — their retum to the Royal Mausoleum will require special treatmenL Bill authorizes $200,000 for this purpose. X S.B. 714 AUTHORIZES APPROPRLAT10N FOR HEARD in Senate, and rejx)rted out with the amendH.B. 571 PLANNING SPECIAL FACILITY AT ment that three members of committee shall be apMAUNA 'ALA. Bill establishes a planning and pointed from the island burial councils, and not redesign eommiuee for the special facility to re- stricted to O'ahu. Also amends expending agency from ceive the Ka'ai. Committee consists of nine Accounting and General Services to Land and Natural members appointed by the Govemor. three sub- Resources. mitted by OHA, three nominated by the Bishop Museum, and three from the O'ahu Burial Council. X S.B. 415 AUTHORIZES AN APPROPRIATION FOR HEARD in Senate and House. Reported to money X H.B. 370 REPATRIATION OF NATIVE HAWAIIAN committees in both houses. REMAINS. Bill appropriates a two-year total of $200,000 in general funds to assist with the retum and reinterment of human remains now curated at museums and other facilities. Funds | are to be administered by OHA. X S.B. 715 APPROPRIATES FUNDS FOR OHA TO HEARD in Senate, and amended to reflect $75,000 in H.B. 570 CONDUCT A STATEWIDE INVENTORY OF "matched" general and special funds in eaeh year of the CULTURAL SITES. Current lists of significant of the Biennium. properties focus on historic sites and buildings. The anticipated cultural inventory wouldidentify areas of religious or sacred importance, even though there may be no physical evidence on the land.

PREPARED BY UNPA KAWAI'ONO DELANEY, OHA Land and Natural Resources Division * Passed Second Reading P/2R| BILL NO. I TITLE and INTENT I ACTION X S. B. 868 REMEMBRANCE OF THE FALL OF THE HEARD in Senate and reported to Ways and Means, with NO H.B. iAWAHAN MONARCHY establishes a the amendment that OHA, not Accounting and General 7-member committee to plan and eommemo- Services, is to adminster the general funds appropriated rate the overthrow of the Kingdom. $2,500 a for this purpose. year for the Biennium is authorized in general funds.

{ X S.B.978, SD 1 RELATING TO HAWAĪIAN HOME T HEARD in Senate ana amended to ciarify appraisal H.B. 1646 LANDS was a short form bill whieh was method and timing of appraisal. amended to reflect a required appraisal and percentage payment of value for public lands conveyed to HFDC for housing, but whieh arc also subject to OHA and DHHL entitlements. In the past, OHA and Hawaiian Homes receiv ed no ineome from properties sold for affordable housing. This bill assures the trust revenues are paid at fair market value.

"X S.B. 1345 RELATING TO INDIVIDUAL HAWAIIAN HEARD and amended to provide for an appeals process, X H.B. 895 HOME LANDS TRUST CLAIMS would es- the opūon of consolidating like claims, and payment based tablish a 5-member board to hear and decide on board decisions. individual beneficiary claims of harm suffere( as a violation of DHHL trust enforcement This measure is a part of the Govemor's "Action Plan to Resolve Controversies.n

X S.B. 2048 RELATING TO HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS to HEARD in Senate, and reported out to Ways and Means NO H.B. provide an equivalent, but unspecified, rev- without specifying a percentage. enue entitlement to OHA for the betterment o all Hawaiians. This entitlement would be in addition to the existing revenue stream for native Hawaiians of fifty percent or more native blood. X S.B. 2094 RELATING TO HAWAHAN AFFAIRS to HEARD in both the House and Senate. Held by the H.B.2220 provide a clear statement of legislative ae- House Committee. Repwted out unamended by the Senate knowledgement of the inherent right of all Anticipation is that the House will later consider Hawaiians to self-determined govemance, ane a substantive concurrent resolution regarding Hawaiian to direct the Legislative Reference Bureau to sovereignty. submit a report to the legislature regarding needed general laws to effectuate a native govemance convention.

X S.B. 2095 NAMING OHA AS A DEFENDANT IN HEARD in both House and Senate, and reported out X H.B. 2100 QUIET TITLE ACTIONS INVOLVING without amendmenL KULEANA LANDS. This bill simplifies OHA's role as the entity to receive title to traditional kuleana lands when there are no longer any family members to inherit the property. Directs the Attomey C-eneral to represent OHA in kuleana quiet title actions, but not to compete with possible known heirs.

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HB 1273 — Kelating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Amends Chapter 10, Section 9, H.R.S. to provide compensation for the trustees of OHA at a fixed yearly rate, to be determined by the Legislature, rather than on a daily basis. Bill was heard onee and is pending in the House. HB 2221 — Relating to Hawaiian Affairs. Bill would create a nine-member commission to study alternative forms of government structure and eompile a list of recommendations for consideration by the people of the state and to develop a program to educate Hawaiians relative to the necessity or desirability of adopting the suggested proposals. Bill was heard onee and is pending in the House.

HB 514 — Relating to Health. Bill would appropriate sums to support programs of the Aloha Health Corps, the Governor's Facific Health Promotion and Development Center, the Wai'anae Diet Program and the state Department of Health for volunteer programs. Bill was heard onee, and was pending in the House Committee on Finance. HB 746 — Relating to Environmental Health. Bill would appropriate $150,000 to begin a preliminary assessment of the health status of Hawaiians and part-Hawaiians in the state in relation to exposure to environmental contaminants. Hawaiians in the Wai'anae coast area would be a representative study group. Bill was heard onee and was pending in the House Committee on Finance.

Several bills have been introduced concerning the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. HB 796 would amend the homestead act to exempt homestead lessees from real property taxes upon the land. They would only be responsible for payment 4 of taxes on improvements placed on the land. HB 841 requires DHHL to provide opportunities to native Hawaiian organizations anel individuals to contract with DHHL to provide essential services to homestead lessees and beneficiaries. HB 1229 would require first priority be given to native Hawaiians for general leases of Hawaiian Home Lands. It would also require that no generalleases be issued unless homestead leases have been first offered to applicants for the same area. HB 1230 would amend the homestead act and two chapters

of Hawai'i Revised Statutes to assure that sufficient water is reserved for foreseeable use by native Hawaiian homesteaders for irrigation.HB 895 would establish a claims commission charged with hearing individual complaints of public native Hawaiian trusts violations. It implements one of the 87 actions recommended in the "Governor's Action Plan to Address Controversies Under the Hawaiian Home Land Trust and the Public Land Trust." And finally, here are additional bills of interest to Hawaiians that OHA is also monitoring and presenting testimony on: HB 1424 — Relating to housing and elderly Hawaiians

SB 2049 — Relating to Hawaiian affairs (For a commission on self-determination SB 1700 — Relating to the right to sue by native Hawaiians, Hawaiiein individuals and organizations ^+TB 895 (SB 1345)— Relating to Hawaiian affairs (individual claims for trust violations) HB 1833 (SB 779) — Relating to state purchase of Waipio valley HB 2160 — Relating to Office of Hawaiian Affair<= (transfers Pohukaina Land to OHA) HB 1086 — Relating to appropriation of $500,000 for the FY 91-93 biennium to Molokai business opportunities revolving loan program HB 1848 (SB 1666) — Relating to Hawaiian fish ponds. To create a Hawaiian fish pond restoration program

SB 708 — Relating to appropriation for aquaculture education HB 1400 (SB 1484) — Relating to the Hawaiian language immersion program SB 1460 — Relating to the Hawaii Opportunity Program in Education (financial help to ethnic students) HB 1434 — Relating to management and preservation of the hula platform at Ke'e Kaua'i HB 2208 — Relating to an appropriation for a Hawaiian language facility in Papakolea to utilize kupuna of the area as resource persons This information was prepared by Jalna Keala, OHA Gouernment Affairs officer.