Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1991 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KANE0HE BAY MASTER PLAN TASK F0RCE N0TICE 0F MEETINGS The Koneohe Boy Plon Tosk Force is developing o moster plon thot will serve os o guide for oll octivities in Koneohe Boy. Your porticipotion ond involvementin the development ofthe moster plon is encouroged.
MEETINGS ARE SCMEDULED AS F0LL0WS: Task Force Meetings: • Tuesday, March 1 2, 1:30., 9th floor Conference Room, Komomalu Building, 250 S. King Sfreet, Honolulu. • Thursday, April 25, 7:00 p.m., Heeia Keo Stote Pork, Kaneohe. • Thursdoy, May 23, 1:30 p.m., Honolulu (eoll for locotion). Committee Meetings: 7:30 p.m. Tuesdoys, Heeio Keo Stote Pork, Kaneohe Lond Use Committee Woter Use Committee March 5 and 1 9 March 1 2 ond 26 April 2 and 1 6 Apn'l 9 and 23 May 7 and 21 May 14 and 28
For additional information, eall the Office of State Planning ot 548-8467. All meeting locotions ore disability accessible. Should you need odditionol assistance for other disabilities, for exomple, sign longuoge interpretation or large type print, pleose contact the 0ffi'ce of Stote Planning ot 548-8467 at least four working days before the scheduled meeting.