Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1991 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1891-1991 PRINCESS KAIULANI In celebration of The Centennial of Her Proclamation to the Royal Hawaiian Throne on March 9, 1891. You are cordially invited to special tribute by the ROYAL HAWAIIAN MINT on Saturday, March 9, 1991. 12:00 - 5 PM. Live Music at 3:00 Corner of King & Kalakaua.* Free Parking behind Gas Plus at Diner's.

MAIL ORDER FORM Please send me the following order: 1991 Princess Silver Dala at $29.00 ea. Please add $4.00 for shipping & handling. Hawaii residents add 4% sales tax. Satisfaction guaranteed. Name Address. C ity State Zip Mail to: ROYAL HAWAIIAN MINT *1421 Kalakaua Ave. • Honolulu, HI 96826 • 949-6468 Offer expires March 19,1991