Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1991 — Summer enrichment programs for youth [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Summer enrichment programs for youth

The Center for Gifted and Talented Native Hawaiian Children at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo is promoting the participation of students of Hawaiian ancestry in summer educational enrichment programs. A limited number of tuition-only scholarships are available for the following summer programs. Students must have completed the grades listed below by June 1991 to be eligible to apply.

Summer Youth Program — UH Hilo Center for Continuing Education and Community Services (CCECS) is offering a series of enrichment classes to be held on the UH Hilo campus. Scholarships will be provided to selected students of

Hawaiian ancestry for up to two courses including one ehoiee of the following: "Our Songs and Dances" (for students completing grades K, 1 or 2; "Our Hawaiian Environment" (for students eompleting grades 3 or 4); "Hawaiian Handicrafts" (for students completing grades 4, 5 or 6); "Mo'olelo:

Creating Hawaiian Stories" (for students completing grades 5 or 6. (Session 1 is June 17-July 5 and Session II is July 22-Aug. 9.) Future Flight Hawai'i 91 — Future Flight Hawai'i 91 is offering a residential experience with Mission Control for students who have completed grades 5, 6, or 7. The selected space pioneers will get hands-on training at the UH Hilo campus on a lunar mission. (July 14-19.)

Vulcans Hawai'i Basketball — Vulcans Hawai'i basketball school is open to students from ages 8-18 years old and is being held on the Hilo campus. Students will be challenged to develop their leadership and psychomotor skills through basketball. Scholarships for the full-day sessions (at a cost of $115) will be provided to selected students of Hawaiian ancestry. (July 23-27). S.P.E.B.E. — the Summer Program for the Enhancement of Basic Education offers a pre-uni-versity experience to high school students who have completed grade 11 (and on space availability, grade 10). This residential program will be held on the Chaminade University campus and on the University of Hawai'i campus. (June 16-July 26.)

H.S.S.T.P. — Hawai'i Student Science Training Program is for scientifically gifted and motivated high school students who have completed grades 10 or 11. This residential program, held on the Hawai'i Hilo campus, is a calculus-physics course whieh includes experiments, field trips, research, lectures and discussions (June 17-Aug. 2).

Applications and brochures, describing the programs 'in more detail, may be obtained from the Na Pua No'eau center in building 381-A on the old Hawai'i Community College campus (next to the Pepsi-Cola bottling plant on Kawili street). They also may be obtained from the offices of the following Hawaiian agencies: Alu Like, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. The deadline for submitting Na Pua No'eau scholarship applications is March 15, 1991.

Brochures and application packets for the Na Pua No'eau Summer Institute will be available for piekup at the same distribution points this month. Call for piekup date. For further information, contact Terry Plunkett at Na Pua No'eau or eall 933-3678.