Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1991 — History through hula and chant [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

History through hula and chant

For centuries hula and chant preserved the eulture and history of Hawai'i. "Koi Honua o Ka Hula," presented by Interpret Hawai'i, Kapi'olani Community College, will present the culture and history of Hawai'i as preserved in hula and chant.

I his is an opportunity to leam some ot tne unpublished history of Hawai'i as perpetuated by the traditions of eaeh halau hula (hula school). Performances will be at 7 p.m. at the Chapel at Diamond Head Road. Admission is $10 per performance. Featured performances:

Saturday, February 2 - "Sites of O'ahu" with Halau Hula O Mililani, Kumu Mililani Allen; Saturday, February 9 - "Hula Traditions of Moloka'i" with Halau Hula O Kukunaokala, Kumu John Kaimikaua;

Saturday, February 23 - "Animal Traditions of Moloka'i" with Halau Hula O Kukunaokala, Kumu John Kaimikaua; Saturday, March 2 - "The Legends of Pele" with Pua Ali'i Ilima, Kumu Victoria Takamine; Friday , May 3 - "The Hula and Culture in T ransition: 1778 to 1819" with Kapuwailani'onohinohi'ula Kumu Keone Nunes.