Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1991 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻOhana Reunions

Reunions set for four ohana

Kaaa The Kaaa family is holding its annual reunion on Sunday, Feb. 17 at Sand Island State Park from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The gathering will be potluck and 'ohana members are encouraged to bring their genealogy and photos to share with family. The Kaaa 'ohana includes the Kaaa, Alapai, Ana, Dawson, Kaaua, Kalaukoa, Kauhane, Keolewa, Mahi, Nahinu, Poo, Spencer and other family names. Families should meet at the Ewa end of the park, near the second to the last restroom. For more information contact Jeanne Kaaa Kahanaoi at 696-4403.

Jeremiah The Jeremiah 'ohana is holding its family reunion and potIuck on Feb. 23 at Maili Beach Park, O'ahu from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Family members should contact Rae Kreis at 839-5466, Etta Heller

at 247-0387 or Lono Koholua at 261-7772. Namauu The Namauu family reunion will be held over the Fourth of July weekend, July 4-7 at Onekahakaha Beach Park in Hilo, Hawai'i. Family membersplan to eamp, and there will be an 'ohana entertainment night, portrait taking and recognition of the family tree with photos. 'Ohana may contact Momi Moore (Hawai'i) at 966-7378 or Leonida Medeiros (Hawai'i) at 959-2425.

Maunaolu The Maunaolu 'ohana will hold its 30th reunion luau on Saturday, July 20 at the Job Corps Maunaolu grounds in Makawao, Maui. Family members should contact the following persons: on O'ahu, Nalani Aki Wallaee, 254-2859; on Molokai, Lady Uu Poepoe, 567-6046 and on Maui, Eliza K. Matz, 871-5871.

Having a family rcunion? For a free notice in the paper fill out eoupon and mail it to Ka Wai Ola O OHA, 1600 Kapi'olani BIvd., Suite 1500, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96814. Questions? Call 946-2642. We must have notice at least 30 days before you want the notice in.

Family name(s)-Please print clearlyBeing held at (exact plaee) Town & Island When (dates) Time(s) _____ Contact people with phone numbers Include island i.e. Maui 572-0000 Special events For Ka Wai Ola: please include name/telephone of person to contact if we need to confirm information or obtain more details. Mahalo.