Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1991 — Keale says Waihee on track [ARTICLE]
Keale says Waihee on track
Office of Hawaiian Affairs Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr. welcomed recommendations by Gov. John Waihee designed to address long-standing controversies surrounding both the OHA and Hawaiian Home Lands Trust.
Waihee, in his State of the State address said that "the time has eome to confront the issues of self-determination and governance as they affect the Hawaiian Home Land and Public Land (OHA) Trusts." Waihee suggested that the time has eome to consider whether the two trusts be combined into one. He also said
consideration should be given to "starting over with a new sovereign entity created to represent the Hawaiian people, and administer both trusts." Chairman Keale agreed that the governor's suggestions merit consideration. But the Chairman said abuses and violations of both trusts by the state and federal governments first must be remedied. Keale agreed that at an appropriate time
serious consideration should be given to a proposal to combining the OHA and DHHL, trusts. Keale said clearly that was the intent of the framers of the constitutional amendment whieh created OHA. Keale quoted the 1978 constitutional convention's standing committee report #59 whieh stated "Your committee intends
that the Ohiee of Hawauan Affairs would be able to accept title to the Hawaiian Home Lands ..." The report further states "The consolidation of the two trusts under the control and management of a single board would facilitate the attainment of the objective of the trusts: to provide for the betterment of the conditions of native Hawaiians. Such a merger would avoid duplication and waste of administrative expenditures."
With regard to the Governor's remarks concerning self-determination and governance and the possible creation of a new Hawaiian sovereign entity, Chairman Keale said these are matters whieh must be determined by the Hawaiian people themselves.