Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1991 — Maunakea pens two new books [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Maunakea pens two new books

"Ku'u Ha'i Pule" (My recitation of prayers) is a handy, pocket-sized bookletof simple prayers in English and Hawaiian, to read at various occasions, meetings or even shared meals. Author kupuna Katherine Maunakea says "We preserve our Hawaiian culture not by saying 'I don't know how to

speak Hawaiian,' but by making a conscious effort to leam it and practice it in our simple daily tasks such as praying for a good day or thanking the Lord for our blessings." Maunakea's booklets are suitable gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas or to send to 'ohana. To obtain copies for $5 plus 50 cents postage, write or eall: Kupuna Katherine Maunakea, 89-134 Haleakala Ave., Waianae, Hawaii 96792. Or phone

(808) 668-1965. Another book is "Kupuna Maunakea's Lauhala Preparation and Simple Weaving." This step-by-step instruction book explains how to prepare lauhala (pandanus) leaves and how to make some simple projects. Author Katherine Maunakea taught this traditional Hawaiian art at Bishop Museum

for many years, and in libraries and schools. Bundles of lauhala leaves called "poka'a" may be purchased with the booklet, and sent to friends, such as on the mainland, who can't get leaves there. To obtain copies of the book at $10 eaeh plus $1.50 shipping, write or eall Kupuna Katherine Maunakea, 89-134 Haleakala Ave., Waianae, Hawaii 96792. Or phone (808) 668-1965. — — — — — — — — — — — — —