Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 2, 1 February 1991 — 1991 Legislature schedule [ARTICLE]
1991 Legislature schedule
Jan. 16 (Wed.) lst Opening Day. Jan. 21 (Mon.) Martin Luther King Day (holiday). Jan. 30 (Wed.) 10th Last day to introduce administration's package of bills. Jan. 31 (Thur.) llth Last day for unlimited bill introductions. Feb. 1 (Fri.) 12th Last day to introduce bills (five bills/ member limit). Feb. 6 (Wed.) One-day recess. Feh 6 tWed.t Last dav for orqanizations to submit grant-in-aid and
purchase of service requests to the Legislature. Feb. 7 (Thur.) One-day recess. Feb. 8 (Fri.) One-day recess. Feb. 18 (Mon.) President's Day (holiday). Feb. 27 (Wed. to March 5 (Tue.) Mandatory five-day recess. March 8 (Fri.) 28th First Decking. Last day to non-budget bills for Third Reading in the originating body. March 11 (Mon.) One-day recess. March 12 (Tue.) 29th First Crossover. Last day for Third Reading of non-budget bills in the originating body. March 12 (Tue.) 29th House to deck Executive, Judiciary, and OHA budget bills and Senate to deck CIP bill for Third Reading. March 14 (Thur.) 31st House to pass budget bills and Senate to pass CIP bill on Third Reading.
March 15 (Fri.) 32nd Last day to introduce substantive resolutions. March 26 (Tue.) Kuhio Day (holiday) March 29 (Fri.) Good Friday (holiday). April 5 (Fri.) 45th Second Decking. Last day to deck bills whieh were amended by the receiving (non-originating) body. April 8 (Mon.) One-day recess. April 9 (Tue.) 46th Second Crossover. Last day for Third Reading of bills whieh were amended by the receiving (non-orginating) body. Apiil 12 (Fri.) 49th Last day to disagree with the other body's drafts of bills. April 18 (Thru.) 53rd Deadline for final form of constitutional amendments. April 19 (Fri.) 54th Last day to pass concurrent resolutions to the non-originating body. April 25 (Thur.) 58th Last day to deck non-fiscal bills for Final Reading. Apiil 26 (Fri.) 59th Last day to fiscal bills for Final Reading. April 29 (Mon.) 60th Adjournment sine die. Presented as a seruice to readers of Ka Wai Ola O OHA.