Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 2, 1 February 1991 — More committees to cover many concerns [ARTICLE]

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More committees to cover many concerns

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees has announced formation of new standing committees of the board. The new committees were established to better address OHA's eoncems in the areas of housing, education, health, human services, culture, land management, historic sites preservation, eeonomie development, inter-agency relations, inter-government relations, coordinative community programs, legislative matters, state/county/federal entitlements and fiscal matters.

These committees will replace the previous four standing committees on programs, operations and development, Native Hawaiian status and entitlements, and external affairs. TLie new committees, their members and functions are: Native Hawaiian Status and Entitlements and Housing— Clayton Hee, chairman Frenchy DeSoto, vice-chairwoman Abe Aiona Louis Hao Thomas Kaulukukui This committee will advocate for all Hawaiians in matters sp>ecifically relating to federal land claims, trust entitlements and Native Hawaiian sovereignty. It will also monitor and recommend policies and programs for housing for all Hawaiians.

Budget, Finance, Policy and Planning — Abe Aiona, chairman Kamaki Kanahele, vice-chairman Louis Hao Moanikeala Akaka Thomas Kaulukukui Eeonomie Development and Land — Louis Hao, ehainnan Thomas Kaulukukui, vice-chairman

Frenchy DeSoto Kamaki Kanahele Clayton Hee This committee is concerned with improving eeonomie conditions of all Hawaiians. It will monitor policies, programs, laws, ordinances or conditions whieh negatively affect eeonomie eonditions of Hawaiians and recommend actions to reverse these situations. The committee will also oversee policies for, and the use of any land or land revenue that OHA may have in interest in, to ensure that the asset yields the highest and best interest on behalf of Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians.

Education and Culture — Thomas Kaulukukui, chairman Kamaki Kanahele, vice-chairman Frenchy DeSoto Louis Hao Abe Aiona This committee will monitor educational programs throughout the State of Hawai'i that affect Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians and seek to raise the awareness of the value of education among the Hawaiian community. The committee will also explore methods by whieh OHA ean help Hawaiians

achieve their educational goals. lt will also be eoncerned with protection of Hawaiian cultural sites under the control of OHA, the county, state, federal government, private or public foundations. Health and Human Services — Moanikeala Akaka, chairman Abe Aiona, vice-chairman Kamaki Kanahele Clayton Hee Thomas Kaulukukui This committee will coordinate efforts in health and human services on behalf on all Hawaiians and recommend establishment of specific programs to

realize the health and human services goals of OHA's master plan. It will also monitor health and human services providers and recommend policies to improve health services to Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. Legislative Review — Frenchy DeSoto, chairwoman Clayton Hee, vice-chairman Abe Aiona Louis Hao Moanikeala Akaka

This committee will review all legislation or ordinances generated by county or state governments to determine their impact on Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. It will recommend changes to existing or proposed laws that will improve the conditions of Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. It will also recommend policy with regards to lobbying efforts on behalf of the Native Hawaiian and Hawaiian on the state and county level. OHA Relations — Kamaki Kanahele, chairman Rowena Akana, vice-chairwoman Louis Hao Moanikeala Akaka Clayton Hee

This committee will act to improve, expand and coordinate relations among county, state and federal government bodies and their agencies to improve services to Native Hawaiians and Hawaiians. They will seek to advocate for and unify eonstituents. The committee will act to oversee improved public relations and communications with all Hawaiians and among the various nonHawaiian communities. It will also recommend policy on relations with other state governments or agencies, foreign governments or munieipalities.