Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1991 — King Kamehameha Celebration [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

King Kamehameha Celebration

" 'Imi Na'auao," to seek knowledge or education, is the theme for the 119th annual King Kamehameha Celebration. The statewide celebration is also in recognition of the 150th anni-

versary of public school education m Hawai ī. Activities will include parades on every island; decorating the statues of King Kamehameha I in Kapa'au, North Kohala and at the civic center in Honolulu; arts and crafts demonstrations and displays; and entertainment.

There's still time to apply to participate in the annual King Kamehameha Day Parade on O'ahu, Saturday, June 8. Entries for floats and decorated vehicle, private mounted and marching unit divisions, candidates for pa'u queen, pa'u marshal,

grand marshal and someone to portray King Kamehameha the Great must be submitted by Apnl 1. The pa'u riding section isclosed, however. Call the King Kamehameha Celebration Commission at 548-4512 for more information.

The grace and the power of hula is shown at last year's competition.

The 18th Annual King Kamehameha Hula Competition is set for June 21 and 22 at the Neal Blaisdell Center Arena. Conducted by the State Council on Hawaiian Heritage, the competition will feature both auana and kahiko styles of hula and an individual chant section. The deadline for applications is Feb. 1.