Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1991 — New fishing rules on Molokai [ARTICLE]
New fishing rules on Molokai
The Department of Land and Natural Resources announces new rules for fishing in Kaunakakai Harbor, Moloka'i, effective Saturday, Dec. 8, 1990. The new Chapter 13-56, Hawai'i Administrative Rules, will regulate fishing in the main commercial harbor ehannel and the small boat basins of Kaunakakai Harbor. The commercial harbor is subdivided in the middle along the axis of the shipping ehannel and prohibits use of any fishing nets except thrownets in the inner half of the ehannel alongside the pier. In the other half o the harbor ehannel, netting is allowed: 1) only with a special permit from the Board of Land and Natural Resources; 2) only with clearance from the loeal harbor authority before setting the net eaeh time (to prevent interfering with vessel traffic); 3) only during the daylight hours (net to be removed before dark); and 4) only for the net to be in the water to capture and take one load of fish. The small craft basins are reserved for angling (fishing with pole and line), and handheld "scoop" nets (to catch opai or shrimp for bait or to land fish
caught on hooks). All other nets are prohibited. prohibited. Special permits to catch baitfish, stocking pua for fishponds, or for scientific research may be issued by the Department for all areas under the rules. The new Chapter 13-56, was presented at a formal public hearing in Kaunakakai on April 16, 1990, adopted by the Board of Land and Natural Resources at its meeting in Wailuku, Maui, on Aug. 10, 1990, and signed by Governor Waihee on Nov. 28, 1990. The Dep>artment appreciates the views and comments expressed by many people at the meetings and hearings, by letters and testimonies. The support and encouragement received over the three years for resolution of the problem will now need to be directed to eomplianee and understanding of the Rules. For further information and copies of Chapter 13-56, HAR, contact the Department's Division of Aquatic Resources offices. • in Hoolehua — Moloka'i Irrigation System Office 567-6696. • or Honolulu — 1151 Punchbowl Street, Rm. 330 548-4002.