Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 January 1991 — A new era: the challenges ahead [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
A new era: the challenges ahead
by Abraham Aiona Trustee, Maui
Jan. 1, 1991 will herald in a new year. Consequently , as surely as the sun rises in the east to open and adorn eaeh day, Jan. 1 will start a new year for the trustees. Four newly elected trustees and one re-elected
Mywwu.miHww— — trustee will join four holdover trustees on our
voyage through uncertain and uncharted waters. As we pili and lokahi, we should not look back and eomplain about "what should have been done." Time and tide waits for no man. Therefore, it is imperative that the trustees look into the future and make decisions for the good of our Hawaiian people. I look forward to fruitful years ahead for us, notwithstanding the many challenges that we know need to be addressed and decisions made. May Akua bless us and give us the wisdom and strength so necessary to carry our heavy burden. Hau'oli Makahiki Hou