Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 January 1991 — Meeting the 21st century head on [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Meeting the 21st century head on

by Rowena Akana T rustee-at-large

Anoai oukou apau, On behalf of my family and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to wish my fellow trustees and constituents a very Happy New Year. Since becoming a trustee, I have been

given the opportunity to review literally tnousands of pieces of paper that cover policies, procedures, laws and programs already implemented and in

plaee within our Hawaiian community. I am also aware of the tremendous responsibility and the personal sacrifices that those who eame before me had to make in order to realize their dreams for our Hawaiian people. As newly-elected trustees, we too, must meet new challenges and overcome our own hurdles, and must be prepared to meet the 21st century head on with foresight, vision and with the wisdom of Solomon. I look forward to meeting those challenges in the next four years and invite you to join me in contributing wherever you ean to make positive changes for our people, and to establish a plaee of peaee and permanence in our Hawaii Nei — no more to be strangers in our own land.