Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1991 — Library van visits Molokai [ARTICLE]
Library van visits Molokai
The Native Hawaiian Library Project Holomua resource van will be on the island of Moloka'i this month. Scheduled events include an evening lecture to go with a new travelling library exhibit on land and water. Lani Ma'a, director of the Judiciary History Center will speak at the Moloka'i public library on Jan. 16. Call the library for the time. She will be interpreting the exhibit and discussing the history of the courts, law and justice in Hawai'i. There will also be an exciting quilting workshop whieh will give interested quilters the opportunity to trace copies of Hannah Baker quilt patterns. Moloka'i resident, Auntie Aliea Aiwohi and Native Hawaiian Library Project staff members will be on hand to provide information about Hannah Baker, and to assist quilters with tracing any of the 64 quilt patterns available at the workshop. The workshop will be at the Moloka'i public library on Jan. 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. Please bring your own paper. Pencils will be provided. In addition, the Native Hawaiian Library Project will be a proud participant at the 10th annual Moloka'i Makahiki on Jan. 25 and 26, 1991. The Holomua resource van will be on site with games, books and interesting artifacts for both young and old to enjoy. Please be sure to bring your Hawai'i State Library Card to borrow books from the van's collection.