Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1991 — New staff, personnel changes take place at OHA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

New staff, personnel changes take place at OHA

New staff and personneI changes have been taking plaee at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs recently. Newest additions are: • Chris Van Berjeik, eeonomie development specialist, who comes to OHA from Alu Like, ine. where she worked as an eeonomie development planner and a planning officer. She was primarily responsible for program design and development and grant writing. Her duties at OHA will include the implementation of functional plan initiatives such as community-based eeonomie development, business development and housing. • Judy Yamada, accountant, was an auditor at Grant Thornton, an international CPA and management firm. Her duties at OHA are to supervise the fiscal department and its accounting functions. • Ken Ige, new assistant editor for the Ka Wai Ola O OHA newspaper. Ige was raised in Wahiawa, attended Leilehua High School and gra-

duated from the University of Hawaii in 1988 with a degree in print journalism. He comes to OHA from the Honolulu Star-Bulletin where he worked as a news assistant and freelance photographer for the past two years. Chris Valles has been named planning officer. She has been with OHA since June 1984 as a researcher, planning specialist and grants specialist.. She was mostly responsible for writing successful grants for OHA for substance abuse programs, the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, OHA's self-help housing project, and a grant to broadcast the OHA board meetings starting this year. She also directed workshops and assisted community groups in learning to write their own grants for: taro farming, homestead farming, water rights registration, small business incubator facility, business assistance center for Hawaiian entrepreneurs.

Chris Valles Gladys Brigham was hired in September as temporary office clerk for the Hilo OHA office, assisting liaison Bill Kalei.