Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1991 — University fair invites high school students [ARTICLE]
University fair invites high school students
by 'Ekela Kani'aupi'o Director, Operation Kua'ana Attention parents of high school freshman anel sophomores: Aloha mai, As parents of Hawaiian children we are faced with a very important responsibility to the future of our people. Today, this generation has a better ehanee than any to change the direction of the Hawaiian population. lt is time for us to take an active role in the community as leaders. We as Hawaiians have a ehoiee to make: to sit back and watch things happen to us; or make things happen to us. The key to this is higher education. Operation Kua'ana will be sponsoring "E 'Imi Na'auao," a fair that will talk about the value of higher education, the special services that are offered to Hawaiians, and the scholarship and financial aid that is available to our people. We all have a right to higher education and there
are many ways to get there. Let us share with your Hawaiian student the benefits of pursuing a higher degree of education. This fair is an opportunity for your son and daughter to sit with other Hawaiian students who have made it through the system and University of Hawaii at Manoa Hawaiian students who are achieving the goals of greater knowledge. Please encourage your 'opio toattend "E 'Imi Na'auao." It's free. Parents are encouraged to attend. We ean guarantee the future of our state and our mo'opuna if we start now with our keiki. Operation Kua'ana intends to convince every Hawaiian who comes to this fair, that there are only two choices as a Hawaiian, to be part of the solution or part of the problem. Being a part of the solution means being sincerely proud of who you are and knowing that you have contributed to the progress of the Hawaiian people of this state by your personal success.
"E 'Imi Na'auao" will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the campus center ballroom at the University of Hawai'i's Manoa campus on Saturday, Jan. 27 and Saturday, Feb. 2. The date will depend on where your students goes to school. Bus transportation will be provided free by the Native Hawaiian Higher Education Program to and from the high school. Your son or daughter ean get more information about this fair from their high school counselor. This counselor will also have the registration information for the fair. Please have your student see the counselor before Thursday, Jan. 10, to meet our deadline for buses. You may also eall our office and speak to anyone from Operation Kua'ana for more information at 956-2644 or 956-2645. Let's make a total effort in breaking the false stereotypes of the native people of Hawai'i. Mahalo for your kokua.