Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1991 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Board Business

By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer

The final meeting of the hold-over board of trustees following the Nov. 6 OHA eleehon took plaee Nov. 26, 1990 at OHA's Honolulu office, 1600 Kapiolani Blvd. Attending were Chairman Kaulukukui and Trustees Akaka, Burgess, Ching and Kahaialii. Trustees DeSoto, Hao, Keale and Mahoe were excused. Administrator's Report Administrator Richard Paglinawan reported that the groundbreaking ceremony for a 22-home self-help housing project on the island of Hawaii will take plaee at the end of January. The homes will be constructed on Hawaiian Home Lands at Keaukaha and Panaewa. OHA will underwrite administrative costs of the project through its eontractor, the Hawaii County Eeonomie Council, and the Department of Hawaiian Home Landswill provide building material/loans to project participants in order to enable them to attend the ceremony. Executive Session An executive session was held for purposes authorized in section 92-4,5 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes during whieh the following items were presented for information or action. A. The board was apprised of a nine-month eontract with Lehua Pekelo-Stearns under whieh Pekelo-Stearns is to assist in the development and implet:ientation of informational and advocacy efforts related to the protection and practice of Native Hawaiian rights, claims and entitlements. She will work in the Land and Natural Resources division in research, writing and communications. Pekelo-Stearns is a graduate of KamehamehaSchools and attended University of Hawaii in Hilo. She began her broadcast journalism career in Hilo 15 years ago, moved from radio news in Hilo back to Honolulu where she pursued a TV news career on both KITV and KGMB news. Her most recent profession has been public relations for the past year with Prnfessional Communications. She wrote the script, directed, produced and narrated "A Promise in Trust," OHA's documentaryon the state entitlements negotiations. B. A contract with attorney Jon Van Dyke and the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation for services in support of federal claims and entitlements was approved. C. The board requested a meeting with attorney Cynthia Thielen to consider a course of action concerning litigation known as "Price IV." Committee on Operations and Development The board took action on the following items whieh had been reported out of the Committee on Operations and Development: A. Approved a $1,726,425 budget for OHA's policy and administration program during Fiscal years 1991-1993. B. Approved an amendment to the Administrative Services budget for the same biennium to provide for additional rent and the telephone system in the new offices whieh OHA will move into next

month. C. Approved an information specialist position for the next biennium in order to provide administrative assistance to the board of trustees and support for the Public Information Office.

D. Approved an "interim infusion of $125,000" to Alu Like's Native Hawaiian Business Development Center in order to preserve the continuity of management and technical assistance support to OHA's Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund loan applicants, recipients and prospective applicants. E. A recommendation to approve in concept the acquisition of a 15-passenger van for use by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs was referred back to the Operations and Development committee for further study. F. The board adopted an "Interim OHA Guidelines On Housing" in view of the critical need for all types of housing for Hawaiians. Calendar The first meeting of the new board of trustees was subsequently set for Dec. 18, 1990. According to law, the board, at its first meeting after an eleetion "shall elect from its own membership a chairperson and a vice-chairperson who shall serve at the pleasure of the board." Editor's note: see story, page 1