Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1991 — KCC offers free Thursday programs [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

KCC offers free Thursday programs

Kapiolani Community College has announced its winter series of free weekly Thursday evening programs called "Diamond Head Focus." These informal public presentations on Hawai'i mulheultural heritage and island art are held in KCC 's ehapel on Diamond Head Road. Jan. 10: "The Wind Gourd of La'amaomao" Author Esther Mookini discusses her new publication. Jan. 17: AIDS and HIV 101. The Life Foundation addresses the most critical health issue of the 1990's. Jan. 24: The Way of P.D.N. Donald Thomas discusses his new nutritional guide, The Way o/ P.D.N. Jan. 31: WordPerfect enters the MaeWorld. John Gleave demonstrates the newest WordPerfect programs for MacIntosh computers. Feb. 7: Hot Tips for the Japan Traveler. Mona Wood offers useful travel advice for individuals going to Japan. Feb. 14: Asian Cemeteries in Hawai'i. Nanette Pumell highlights Asian funeral customs as revealed in loeal cemeteries. Feb. 21: Pegge Hopper's Island Women. Pegge Hopper, one of Hawai'i's outstanding artists, shares her art and philosopy. Feb. 28: 01d Oahu Prison. Captain Randy Asher discusses history of the recently destroyed old cellblocks on Dillingham Avenue. Mar. 7: Hollywood in Hawai'i. Robert Schmitt, author of Hawai'i in the Movies, 1898 - 1959, speaks on moviemaking in Hawai'i followed by a showing of "Bird of Paradise" and "Hula Honeymoon." From 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Mar. 14: The Art of Umeke (Hawaiian Bowls). Miehael Ilipuakea Dunne shares the ancient craft of Hawaiian bowl woodcarving. Mar. 21: Planning your next social event. Paul Onishi, catering specialist, offers useful tips

on planning social events. All programs begin at 7 p.m. Ampie free parking is available. Diamond Head Focus is sponsored by the Office of Community Services, Kapiolani Community College. For more information and a free brochure eall 734-9211.