Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1991 — Hawaiian health section comingto Ka Wai Ola [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian health section comingto Ka Wai Ola

By Deborah Ward Editor Next month, Ka Wai Ola O OHA will begin to develop a new section of articles about Hawaiian health. The purposes of the section will be: • to provide information and resources on the full spectrum of Hawaiian health concerns statewide • to highlight Hawaiians who are health care providers who ean serve as role models for other young Hawaiians • to provide education on health problems and how and where and who Hawaiians ean go to for health care • to provide knowledge of and promote respect for traditional Hawaiian healing practices and practitioners. The section will be developed in cooperation with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Health and Human Resources division, the E Ola Mau organization of Native Hawaiian health practitioners, the Office of Hawaiian Health of the state Department of Hawaiian Health, Papa Ola Lokahi, the five-agency consortium whieh is now planning Hawaiian health systems statewide, and with the assistance of other members of the community. Ka Wai Ola O OHA wishes to acknowledge and thank Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell for his outstanding eontributions to the hea!th knowledge of the Hawaiian people, through his articles, He Mau Ninau Ola. Since July 1982 Dr. Blaisdell has covered many aspects of Hawaiian spiritual, mental, emohonal and physical health, as well as topics ranging from cultural practices in ancient times to modern-day health problems among Hawaiians. It is the intent of this new health section to involve as many practitioners concerned with Hawaiian health as possible, including Dr. Blaisdell, in sharing their knowledge and mana'o with the readers of Ka Wai Ola O OHA. E kala mai ia'u and sincere apologies to readers and Dr. Blaisdell that this new direction and acknowledgement were not explained in last month's final insta!lations of He Mau Ninau Ola. Future topics will address, among others: tradi-

tional Hawaiian health and cultural practices, recognition and involvement of traditional Hawaiian health practitioners in modern health care, health education, Hawaiian involvement in planning health systems on eaeh island, and continued

news of health services available to Hawaiians. Readers' comments, questions and suggestions for the new health section are welcomed. Flease write to: Ka Wai Ola O OHA, 1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1500, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96814.