Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1, 1 January 1991 — Hui Imi task force members: [ARTICLE]
Hui Imi task force members:
Hui Imi, the task force appointed to study and make recommendations concerning all services available to Hawaiians, includes: Chairman Thomas K. Kaulukukui, Sr., chairman, board of trustees, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Vice-chairwoman Haunani Apoliona, president and chief executive officer, Alu Like, ine. Chairwoman, phase one, Winona Rubin, Director, Hawaii Department of Human Services Chairman, phase two, Tom Dinell, Hawaii Diocesan director, Office for Social Ministry and Catholic Charities Marsha Bolson, communications division, Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate Fern Clark, administrator, Office of Hawaiian Health Mike Crozier, Hawaii State Senator, Chairman, Housing and Hawaiian Programs Gale Flynn, program specialist, Queen Liliuokalani Children's Center, Queen Liliuokalani Trust
David Ige, Hawaii State Representative, Chairman, Eeonomie Development and Hawaiian Affairs Kana Isaacs, administrative assistant, E Ola Mau Mahealani Kamauu, executive director, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation Jalna Keala, president, Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Gregg Meyer, general manager, Lunalilo Home — King William C. Lunalilo Trust Lawrence Miike, executive director, Papa Ola Lokahi Neal Oyama, planner, Papa Ola Lokahi Lynette Paglinawan, executive director, Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Hardy Spoehr, planning director, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Norma Wong, administrative assistant, Hawaii Office of State Planning David Johnson, consultant, Omnitrak Group, ine.