Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 12, 1 December 1990 — OHA Board donates van to Lunalilo Home [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board donates van to Lunalilo Home

Eiderly and disabled residents of Lunalilo Home will be able to get to the doctor or dentist and par ticipate īn outside activities with greater safety and comfort thanks to a gift from the Office of Hawanan Affairs (OHA). OHA Trustees at their Nov. 2 Board meeting voted unanimously to purchase a 15-passenger van for use by Lunalilo Home residents. The van will be equipped with an electric wheel chair lift and other special features.

OHA Ohaimnan Thomas K. Kaulukukui, Sr., said "This badly needed van will serve the needs of all 47 of the men and women at Lunalilo. Over 75 percent of the residents are of 50 percent or more Hawaiian blood. The van wili facilitate their medical and dental treatment and also will be used to take our kupuna to cultural, religious and social activities and functions. I am proud that OHA has been able to make this possible." The van, whieh must be specially modified and equipped on the mainland, should be readyfor de liverv in Honolulu within the next few months.